Gallop Executive Leadership Interview – Using Generative AI to Scale & Improve Customer Experience

Dan Eddie talks to us about Simplyhealth’s pioneering implementation with Salesforce of Generative AI to scale the business and improve customer experience.

Dan has an impressive background in customer operations and digital transformation having led Vanarama through victory at the 2020 and 2021 UK Customer Experience Awards winning a total of 12 Gold and 2 Silver Awards.

Dan started his career at First Direct, the number 1 UK brand for customer service for many years.

Here are some of things that are covered:

• How you have utilised Gen-AI within your operation to set the tone for the rest of the interview…

• What was it that originally instigated the need for you to use Gen-AI in the way that you have done?

• How has this been received so far with customers with your organisation?

• There has been a lot of interest in this implementation from Salesforce and some of their other global partners, and so what impact has this had with other organisations and their use of Gen-AI?

• Where do you do from here? What else exciting is on the horizon?

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