CX Recruitment

CX recruitment and customer experience as a concept is a specialism of Gallop Executive. Hannah Cox has written an explanation of customer experience (CX) which you can read on the following page under A Beginners Guide to CX. 


CX Recruitment: Roles

When it comes to recruiting a CX professional into your organisation it’s important to define the role. Our team has extensive experience in helping organisations develop CX Job Specifications. Whether the need to the role has grown organically or is the result of a strategy change recruiting the right CX professional starts with defining the role.


CX Recruitment: Place in the Organisation

As well as a clearly defined role it’s important to have an understanding from the beginning where the role fits into the structure of your organisation. Recruiting a CX professional is just the start, they need to be retained and part of that is a clear understanding of who they report to.


CX Recruitment: The Person

When the role is clearly defined, it’s understood the team they’re part of and who they report to it’s important to define the skills and experience the CX professional needs and also the personality traits they need to demonstrate at interview to align with your company’s culture and values. 


CX Recruitment: Gallop Executive

At Gallop Executive we have the knowledge and experience to help our clients navigate the process of successfully recruiting and retaining the right CX professionals for your organisation.